Does Your Logo Need a Tagline?
Just Do It.
Would you relate that line to Nike whenever you see its logo if it wasn’t so heavily promoted?
The swoosh is already recognisable.
You know it represents Nike, and it doesn’t always come with the tagline.
However, with the Just Do It slogan, the brand gained a new vibe.
The logo tagline is yet another element that helps the branding process.
But is the logo with tagline always a necessity?
The Principles of Logo Design: Is the Tagline Mandatory?
Of course, it’s not a rule.
In fact, if you analyse the logo evolution of famous brands, you won’t notice the slogan as an essential element.
It’s mostly about the logo design.
Uber’s tagline was changed together with the logo in 2016.
From “Everyone’s private driver” it became “Get there.”